You need to make it as easy as possible for your customers to give you their money. Markets are full of distractions and you don't want barriers between you and a sale!
It's not a requirement that you offer a payment option other than cash as we will have a mobile Eftpos machine onsite that customers can get cash out from, however, to maximise your sales, it’s always a good idea to make buying from you as easy as possible.
There are a number of apps, services and hire options you can look into before market day that allows your customers to pay electronically.
Here are a few suggestions: Electronic payment apps on your phone from major banks such as ANZ Fast Pay, BNZ, KiwiBank Fetch.
Stripe has a mobile payment app PayNow that can scan cards from your phone camera and will even accept Pay Wave now. It won't be able to scan eftpos cards though, only debit or credit cards.
Seasonal Eftpos hire is also a possible solution.
Many banks offer the ability for people to make direct payment to another bank account number via their mobile app; so we recommend you have your account number handy and offer this as a payment option.
If you decide on having payment options other than cash, make sure you let your customers know which payment options you have, pop a little sign on your stall so it’s clear that these options are available for them. It may just be that selling point which pushes them from “I don’t know” to “Yes! I’ll buy it!”.